Stay Home For OZZY OSBOURNE, Says His Daughter KELLY

March 24, 2020

Kelly Osbourne, the daughter of legendary BLACK SABBATH singer Ozzy Osbourne, has urged his fans to do their part in keeping everybody healthy while they are at home due to the coronavirus pandemic.

One-third of Americans have been ordered to stay home as much as possible in an attempt to slow the spread of coronavirus. At least 16 governors have announced stay-at-home orders in states including New York, Illinois, Louisiana, Ohio, Oregon, Washington and Hawaii. All 16 orders will be in effect by Wednesday.

On Monday, Kelly took to her Instagram to share a photo of her holding a sign with the hashtag #StayHomeForOzzy and she included the following message: "I wish there was something I could say to comfort you all. Some wisdom I could drop on you to relive you from the fear that surrounds us all right now. The truth is I am scared too. Both of my parents are high risk especially my dad. If I would have known 3 weeks ago when I sent them off to panama that that was gonna be the last time I got to hug and kiss them for a while… I would have held on a little longer. However these are the sacrifices we must make. I stay home for my mum and dad. If you don't have anyone to stay home for I beg you #StayHomeForOzzy help put a smile on my dads face while he is in quarantine by posting a pic of your best Ozzy impersonation and #StayHomeForOzzy I love you all"

Last month, Ozzy canceled his 2020 tour plans in order to head overseas for treatment of his Parkinson's disease and other health issues.

Osbourne was first diagnosed with Parkinson's disease back in 2003. The legendary singer disclosed that he was stricken with the disease in January during an appearance on "Good Morning America".

Fifteen years ago, Ozzy said that he had been diagnosed with Parkin syndrome, a genetic condition which has symptoms similar to that of Parkinson's disease, such as body shakes. At the time, he said that he was relieved his debilitating body tremors were from Parkin and not his lifetime of drug abuse.

In January, Ozzy told U.K.'s Kerrang! magazine that he thinks about death a lot, but he doesn't worry about it. "I won't be here in another 15 years or whatever, not that much longer, but I don't dwell on it," he explained. "It's gonna happen to us all.

"Am I happy now? No. I haven't got my health," he continued. "That thing knocked the shit out of me, man, but I'm still here. In fact, I worried about [death] more when I was younger than I do now. I just try to enjoy things as much as possible, even though that's so fucking hard sometimes."

Ozzy's new album, "Ordinary Man", came out on February 21.

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I wish there was something I could say to comfort you all. Some wisdom I could drop on you to relive you from the fear that surrounds us all right now. The truth is I am scared too. Both of my parents are high risk especially my dad. If I would have known 3 weeks ago when I sent them off to panama that that was gonna be the last time I got to hug and kiss them for a while… I would have held on a little longer. However these are the sacrifices we must make. I stay home for my mum and dad. If you don't have anyone to stay home for I beg you #StayHomeForOzzy help put a smile on my dads face while he is in quarantine by posting a pic of your best Ozzy impersonation and #StayHomeForOzzy I love you all ?

A post shared by Kelly Osbourne (@kellyosbourne) on

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